Code Of Conduct

Responsibilities of the Principal of the college.

s.414 subject to the supervision, general control and direction of the governing body, the Principal of the college as an administrative and academic head of the college shall be responsible for-
(a) Academic Growth of college;
(b) participation in the teaching work, research and training programmes of the college.
(c ) Planning and assisting in planning and implementation of academic programmes, such as orientation courses, seminar, inservice and other training programme, organized by the University and/or University Department/College for the academic completence of the faculty members;
(d) Admission of students and maintenance of discipline of the College;
(e) Receipts, ecpenditure and maintenance of accounts of the college and for causing other bodies, associations, societies, committees, etc. to maintain, finalise and present their accounts;
(f) Management of the College Libraries, Laboratories, Gymkhanas and Hostels;
(g) Correspondence relating to the administration of the college;
(h) Administration and supervision of curricular, co-curricular, extra- curricular or extra- mural activities of the college and maintenance of records;
(i) Observation of the Act, Statutes, Ordinances, Regulations, Rules and other directions or orders issued thereunder from time by the University and the orders issued by the central and the State Governments;
(j) Supervision and conduct of College and University examination including internal assessment and such other work pertaining to the examination as assigned;
(k) Assessing reports of teachers and maintenance of service books of teachers and other employees of the college in the forms prescribed by the University;
(l) Any other work relating to the college and the University as may be assigned to him by the University from time to time.



S.439(a) A teacher shall comply with the provisions of the Act, statutes, Ordinances, Regulations, Rule and other directions or orders issued thereunder from time to time by the University and the Central and state Governments.

(b) A teache shall engage classes regularly and punctually and impart such lessons and instruction, do such internal assessment/examination evaluation as the Head of the Department/Principal shall allot to him from time to time and shall not ordinarily remain absent from work without prior permission or grant of leave.

(c )A teacher shall help the Principal to enforce and maintain discipline amongst the students.

(d) A teacher shall perform any other co-curricular and extra-curricular work related to the college as may be assigned to him from time to time by the Principal of the college.

S.439- B The following shall be the norms governing the code of conduct for teachers:-
(a) A teacher shall perform his academic duties and work related to examinations as assigned. No remuneration shall be payable to the teachers for internal assessment/home examination conducted by the college.
(b) a teacher shall not discriminate against a student on political grounds or for reasons of race, religion, caste, language or sex or for other reason of an arbitrary or personal nature and shall not incite students/teachers against other student or other teachers , colleagues or administration/Governing Body of the college and the University.
(c ) A teacher shall have freedom of thought and expression. He shall not misuse the facilities or forum of the College/University.
(d) A teacher shall not refuse to carry out the academic and administrative decisions taken by the Principal/Governing Body.
(e) A teacher shall not make use of the resources and /or facilities of the Department/College/University/Governing Body for personal, commercial, political or religious purposes.
(f) A teacher shall not be partial in assessment of a student or deliberately overmark, undermark or victimize a student on any grounds.
(g) A teacher shall not conduct/participate in private coaching classes directly or indirectly. He shall also not accept private tuitions.
(h) A teacher shall not indulge in or resort to, directly or indirectly, any malpractice or unfair means in teaching/examination/ administration.
(i) A teacher shall not furnish incorrect information regarding his qualifications, experience, age etc. in respect of his appointment /promotion.

Failure to conform to the abovementioned norm/s shall be construed as misconduct.

Bombay University Act, 1974, Section 87.
Maintenance of discipline among the students of the university.
87. (1) All powers relating to discipline and disciplinary action in relation to the students of the University shall vest in the Vice-Chancellor.
(2) The Vice-Chancellor may, by order, delegate all or any of his powers under this section as he thinks fit to such other officer as he may nominate in that behalf.
(3) The Vice-chancellor may, in the exercise of his powers, by order, direct that any student or students be expelled or rusticated for a specific period, or be not admitted to a course or courses of study in a college, institution or Department of the University for a specified period,
Or be punished with fine, not exceeding three hundred rupees , or be debarred from taking an examination or examinations conducted by the University, College, Institution or a Department for a specified period not exceeding five years, or that the result of the student or students concerned in the examination or examinations in which he or they have appeared be cancelled.
(4) Without prejudice to the powers of the Vice-Chancellor, the Principals of Colleges and Institutions and the Head of Teaching Departments in the University shall have authority to exercise all such powers over the students in their respective charge as may be necessary for the maintenance of proper discipline.
(5) Without prejudice to the powers of the Vice-Chancellor, the principal of Colleges and Head of Institutions and the Heads of Teaching Departments in the University, the Vice-Chancellor shall, subject to the approval of the Executive council, make rules of discipline and proper conduct for the students of the University which shall also apply to the students of all colleges and institutions and every student shall be supplied with a copy of such rules.
(6) The Principals of Colleges and Heads of Institutions may make such supplementary rules of discipline and proper conduct, not inconsistent with the rules made by the Vice-Chancellor, as they think necessary, and every student shall be supplied with a copy of such supplementary rules.
(7) At the time of admission , every student shall sign a declaration to the effect that he submits himself to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the Vice-Chancellor and the other officers and authorities of the University and the authorities of the colleges and institutions, and shall observe and abide by the rules made by the Vice-Chancellor in that behalf, and , in so far as they may apply, the supplementary rule made by the Principals of Colleges and Heads of Institutions.
(8) All powers relating to disciplinary action against students in a college or institution not maintained by the University shall vest in the Principal of the college or Head of the institution, as regulated by the Ordinances.

1.The terms and conditions of service of Librarians and non-teaching employees in the non-government affiliated college shall be governed by the Maharashtra Non- agricultural Universities and Affiliated Colleges Standard code Rules, 1984 as modified from time to time. These rules are made by the Government of Maharashtra in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 77- A of the Bombay University Act, 1974. The rules have come into force with effect from 1st may 1985.
2. The norms regarding staffing pattern of non-teaching employees in the non- Government colleges of Arts, Science and Commerce are laid down in the directions issued by the Vice-Chancellor under Section 11(6)(b) of the Bombay University Act,1974 vide Circular No. Aff/Recog/602 dated 8th October,1980.
3. The norms regarding staffing pattern of non-teaching employees in the non-Government colleges of Education are laid down vide cir. no. CONCOL/425 dated 7th October,1987.