
 To motivate students for becoming adventurous in case of adversaries.


The Context

The objective of this training programme is to prepare the students to be adventurous and take risk and get mentally prepared in case of .any eventuality such as fire, house collapse, floods and earthquakes and accidents


The Practice

The students of the institution are interacting with various uncertainties’ of life such as road accidents, floods, water logging during rains, house collapse, fire in the building and premises etc. The students also commute from one place to another in overcrowded trains which are more vulnerable to accidents and uncertainty is a common phenomenon. Therefore the institution thought fit to impart training to its students so that they can encounter the eventualities confidently and fearlessly. In the training programme a mock drill is arranged where in the students are given training on fire-extinguishing, rescue operation, first aid treatment, etc.


Evidence of Success

 The confidence level of student improves with the training. The student voluntarily participate in various programmes organized by the institution such as Annual Prize Distribution Programme, Swami Vivekanand Public speech programme, Monitoring NSS students in Residential Camps. The NSS volunteer also participate in the discipline maintenance and crowd control Ganpati Festival which takes during the month of August/September every yaer. The involvement of students of the institution appreciated and approved by the general public as well the local police department. The NSS volunteer also take out Vriksha Dindi (Tree Plantation rally) which is organized during the Monsoon season every year.

Various programmes of institution such Annual prize Distribution, Sports and Cultural events are also assisted by the representatives of the students. This is the evidence of the achievement of students of the endeavor of the institution to improve the growth and development of students.



The disaster management training programme is for brave and courageous students therefore it is difficult to identify students with such quality. Moreover, the training programme involves threat to human life. Every coin has two sides and hence the institution cannot escape from the constraints of the Disaster Management Programme conducted. The major constraints encountered are lack of instinct of the students to involve in such activities. The town where the institution is located in a suburbs of Financial capital of India. The students are inclined to employ themselves in earning their likelihood for one or the other reason. Moreover, Disaster Management Agency of the Government is reluctant to involve student community to participate in any real life disaster management activities. Over 90% of the students therefore find it difficult to seek their involvement in such kind of programme.


To enrich the students and community with various dimensions of knowledge

To spread the thoughts and values preached by Swami Vivekanand.

To inspire students to accept challenges and face the life in scientific way.



Ancient Indian literature is rich in cultural and spiritual values. It is great heritage that the human being requires insight into celestial issues. The Indian mythology, Vedas and shastras are enriched with everlasting values. It throws light in to all materialistic and spiritual faculties that are necessary for existence of human being. The inner happiness through self-realization is more important than materialistic gains. With the development of science and technology and human civilization, the age old values are being eroded and man is becoming happy with materialistic gains but apparently the social fabric and ethical values are being distorted. The civilized society today is inherited with depression and inclined to self-destruction. Moreover, the religions caste and creeds are separating man from each other. The last two centuries have witnessed invasion of one community in to other for loot and treasure. The latest incidences of human butchering are evidence that the values have reached the bottom.

This is the epic-center for the management and the institution to learn and preach the values enshrine by Swami Vivekanand and since over a decade, Public speech is arranged by the institution and management in the month of January on dates coinciding with birth anniversary of SwamiVivekanand. It is a small effort made by the institution and the management to pay homage to great thinker of previous century.



The institution and the management every year selects a subject like sports, science, music, health etc on which public speech is arranged for three consecutive days. The eminent personalities from selected subject are invited. Subsequently on the third and final day, Swami Vivekanand award is given to the person in the selected areas for his outstanding contribution.


Evidence of Success

The student community and the general public are greatly benefited by this practice.

One of the recipients of Swami Vivekanand Award Dr. Raghunath Mashelkar, eminent nuclear scientist who after receiving the award donated cash received the form of award for beginning a new practice among the school students for doing some scientific work. The management announces Dr. Mashelkar award on this day to the school student for doing outstanding work