College History
The Rashtriya Shikshan Sanstha is a well known educational institution of Dombivli established in 1968 by elite citizens of Dombilvi. It is registered under Public Trust Act – 1950 (F-140, Thane) and Society Registration Act 1860 (MAH-10, Thane). While celeberating Silver Jubilee of Rashtriya Shikshan Sanstha, the members of Sanstha who came forward represented different walks of life took initiative to set up night degree college in Dombilvi which could cater to the needs of employed students who were deprived of education or the students who had to discontinue the education for one or the other reason.
Accordingliy in June 1998, Rashtriya Shikshan Sanstha set up Swami Vivekanand Night College of Arts and Commerce in Dombivli which is the first night Degree College in Thane District.